Rock the Dress......

This weekend was our fundraiser for the Canadian Childrens Wish Foundation....we had a fantastic weekend! A special thanks to my partner Kristin; not only she did help me organize this event; she made everyone more beautiful by doing their hair before they headed to the beach with me for some photos! Thank you to EVERYONE for helping, supporting, donating and coming to hang out with us!

I was super excited about this weekend...for alot of reasons. One of them being that I got to do my first 
Rock the Dress (Trash the Dress) session!
My dear friend Riss wanted to help us out with our fundraiser and thought this was the perfect way to do it! After celebrating 9 years of marriage last month it was time to take out the dress and celebrate! I do admit at first it was kinda weird seeing her in her dress again...but she looked stunning....

There are SO many photos from all my sessions I would love to share but I thought I would start with this one! Thanks Riss.....I was completely in my my zone...loving every second of it! 

Enjoy your photos...cant wait to show you more!!!! 

This shot of her half in the water is my favorite from our session.....